"Teenies wanting amazing moves, tight abs all round and cheesy romance will lap this up."
The website above links to my critical investigation as it is a review on Step Up 2 which is a film based on teenagers and is a Hollywood film. This will relate to my critical investigation as I will be able to look at Step Up 2 and see the way in which teenagers are being represented. This shows that I will be able to see how teenagers are being represented in different Hollywood films and see how this review mentions teenagers in the film.
2. http://movies.nytimes.com/2008/04/12/movies/12prom.html
"Ms. Curtis (who nowadays seems to prefer tasteful public disrobing to shrieking) would probably be insulted to learn from the press notes of this new film that it has been reimagined for a “more sophisticated audience.” (Because that’s just what you hope for in a slasher-movie audience: sophistication.)"
This website relates to my critical investigation as it has some information on the film Prom Night which is a Hollywood film. This will mean that for my critical investigation, I can also look at this film and see how teenagers are being stereotyped. The article mentions that the "typical" teenage prom is used in the film which shows that this is a common stereotype of teenagers as the one thing they really look forward to in high school if prom. This will allow me to explore more in to the different representations of teenagers in Hollywood productions.
3. www.mediaed.org.uk/posted_documents/repsyouth.html
"The fact is that the media have the power through selection and reinforcement to give us very influential portrayals of a whole range of groups, situations and ideas. We make sense of these representations in different ways according to the values and assumptions we carry around in our own heads. So representation is not just about the way the world is presented to us but also about how we engage with media texts in order to interpret and assimilate such portrayals."This website above related to my critical investigation as it explains simply the representations of teenagers in Hollywood films. For example, it mentions how female teenagers are being represented in films which mentions that the representation of female teenagers is created through girls magazines. This website also looks at different theorists view on the representation of teenagers which will be useful for my critical investigation as I will be able to look at these theorists more and refer to them.
4. http://teen-culture.suite101.com/article.cfm/teen_stereotypes
"A common misconception for parents is that every middle school kid of this generation is conceited, gossip-ridden, hormone-raging and naive. This is a stereotype. The irony of labeling children with stereotypes is not just hypocritical, but a huge overgeneralization. In middle schools and high schools today, there are ‘groups’ of these stereotypes."
This website relates to my critical investigation as it mentions the different stereotypes of teenagers which are commonly used. For example, this website looks at the representation of Emo's, Prep and Wannabe which are the common stereotypes that have been referred to teenagers. This shows that when looking in to my critical investigation, I will be able to look at how teenagers are being represented commonly and how this is affecting the way that they are being represented in films.
5. children predict more negative behaviours later on,' said Christy Buchanan, professor of psychology."
This website shows the different representations of teenagers and how they may have been created. The website states that parents are to some extent responsible for the way in which their children begin to behave due to the expectations that parents have of their teenager children. This shows that this will relate to my critical investigation as it shows the way in which teenagers are being represented and why this stereotypes are created. This means that I am able to gain a better understanding of the representations of teenagers and understand why they are being created.7. http://www.momaroo.com/696329679/a-teenager-speaking-out-against-teenage-stereotypes/
"First of all, I would like to make it perfectly clear that there are definitely plenty of us that are bad people, that are underachievers, that are disrespectful, and that overstep their boundaries. I'm not the type to just say, "Oh, we're so misunderstood! You need to feel bad for us! We need to be treated just like you, just like adults!" But I do want to make it clear that we're people, just like everyone else."
This website related to my critical investigation as it is a article which is based on a teenagers view of the representation of teenagers. This shows that by looking at this website, I can see what teenagers believe of the way in which they are being represented. This website mentions that some teenagers are the way in which they have been stereotyped but not all teenagers are like that which makes it wrong for all teenagers to be represented negatively. This will be useful for my critical investigation as it is a teenagers view on the stereotypes of teenagers.
8. http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/05/18/hollywood_s_obsession_with_the_perfect_p
"But for those that do, be aware of how Hollywood creates unrealistic expectations for teenagers that want to make prom infamous instead of simply enjoyable."
The website above relates to my critical investigation as it looks at the typical representations that are used of teenagers in Hollywood films. This website mentions that Hollywood productions are fond of assuming that prom is a time that teenagers want to lose their virginity which shows that Hollywood is using unrealistic stereotypes of teenagers in Hollywood productions. This shows that this will link to my critical investigation as I am able to look at the different representations that are being created in Hollywood of teenagers.
9. http://www.boston.com/ae/tv/articles/2008/07/01/in_secret_life_stereotypical_teenagers_talk_about_sex/
The website above relates to my critical investigation as it is based on the programme "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" which is broadcasted on the channel ABC. This will relate to my critical investigation as it shows the typical ways that teenagers are being represented in that programme and how it reinforces the stereotypes of teenagers. In this programme, there is a constant time where teenagers talk about sex and there is teenage pregnancy in there too. This shows that this will relate to my critical investigation as it it shows how teenagers are being represented in Hollywood programmes too.
10. http://www.helium.com/items/1438882-teenagers
"This prejudice stems from the narrow, stereotypical view that the common media attaches to teenagers. It has gotten to the point that parents are willing to pin these stereotypes to their children, and then judge them accordingly."
The website above is related to my critical investigation as it looks at the different representations of teenagers and shows that stereotypes sell which is why Hollywood productions are enforcing them in order to sell their films. This article mentions that the way in which teenagers are being represented has resulted in parents believing that their teenagers are like this too which shows that because of the negative representation of teenagers, they are being viewed negatively by the media and their family.
11. http://www.frankwbaker.com/teenmedia.htm
"Good ol' Webster defines youth as follows: Youth (yooth): 1. the state or quality of being young, esp. of being vigorous and lively, or immature, impetuous, etc. 2. the period of life coming between childhood and maturity; adolescence 3. An early stage of growth or existence."
This website links to my critical invstigation as it looks at how teenagers are being represented in the media. This is shown as the website looks at different theorists and looks at examples of media texts that show how teenagers are being represented. For example, the article looks at the Scary Movie.
"This impression has been created largely through media coverage of alarming stories about high school shootings, property crimes, and incidents involving so-called youth gangs."
This website will be useful for my critical investigation as it looks at the representation of teenagers in the media and why they have been created. This website states that representations of teenagers have been created due to the media which shows that I will be able to see different ways in which representation of teenagers are being created.
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